Monday, April 27, 2009

seo for video

Video Search Engine Optimization from Elvis Caron on Vimeo.

SEO for Video. What is it? Well, the only way to explain it is to have someone show you what it does.

In that case I've created a simple video for video search engine optimization, video seo if you will. The basic idea is to apply seo best practices to video submission and cataloging online.

Sounds simple, right? Well, there are video search engines sprouting up everywhere, all the time. There are separate video file formats to consider. There are video file size restrictions, thumbnail pictures that get better play conversions. How long does someone stay on your video or do the stop and go to another video quickly.

And most important, is the video viral? Will it get passed around and embedded on other web sites.

Seo for video is the same as seo for web pages really, except that it is WAY MORE POWERFUL!

Having a well thought out video sem campaign is probably the smartest move a small business could make right now. If you aren't using video sem in your marketing mix, you're losing tons of traffic from search engines.

Search engines like Google have basically announced their feelings about online video and it's weight in their "algorythm", just look up "Advertising using video" in good'ol Google, there's a case study they posted saying that if you' just incorporate VIDEO on your website, you could look at increases in sales upwards of 15%.

Now, how important do you think video is to your search engine marketing strategy this year.

Watch the video I posted here on video search engine optimization (seo for video)

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